
I began designing using some of the shapes form nature as inspiration.

Could I engrave an organic design into the side and then pour a pewter cast into the channel?

I modelled these on CorelDraw using photos of wood grain and a leaf vein so the design is authentic.
I'm happy with the ideas for the side profile, now I need to work on the top face and try to get the two to work together aesthetically.

 I like the way this shell curves to the ground on the left side, having the metal inlay may be enough of a contrast so I can do away with the sharp front edge.

I'd like there to open volumes of space within my speakers.

I'm hoping that 3mm ply will be able to form the shape I have designed. Looking at this plywood light it should be possible to create tight curves with the plywood.

To get some a starting point in transferring my sketches into a 3D Creo model I imported the sketch I design I wanted into CorelDraw, scaled it using the dimensions of the speakers then measured up the other diamensons so I could re-create it in Creo

I drew this design first having all the circles in line but it didn't look quite right
To make it fit in with the design I drew and arc between the centre of the largest and smallest circles, then using construction circles on from where that arc intersected the circles I could work out the mid point on the arc and that's where I put the middle circle.

I started to think about what additional features an MP3 payer might have

Could the speaker turn on when the MP3 player was placed on it?
- Micro switches?
- A sensor that completes a circuit when it's covered?
- Would a reed switch work?

I then made a complete 3D model in Creo. This allowed me a platform to put all these ideas to the test.

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